Tuesday, 25 December 2012



Thursday, 13 December 2012

Slowly Waking Up

Can you believe its been over 5 months since the last Aurelia show?


Coming 2013, New songs, new set-list, new equipment, new webpage but the same 4 cheeky chappies.

Monday, 13 August 2012

We are still in hibernation

With personal lives taking a front seat, we are still in our Ad-Hoc summer hibernation, but don't despair! We will be back in the Autumn (my favourite time of year) as fresh as an acorn.

 As a little something, here is the final home recorded Demo version of "Dive".

Link: http://soundcloud.com/aureliabluemoon/dive

Mucho Love x

Monday, 23 July 2012

Keeping busy

While sticking to our rigorous writing deadlines, we still find time to do what we love.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

To a great night

A huge thank you to everybody who came to the Palomino gig last night, as you can probably tell we had an extremely fun night with some great memories. A special thanks need to go out to Adam and Chris for organising the entire thing.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Monday, 25 June 2012

Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

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Date: Jun 25, 2012 6:34 PM
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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 560 #5.1.0 Address rejected. (state 13).

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Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 18:34:16 +0100
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Subject: Is this on?
From: Jamie Edwards <>
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Adding an email feature to blog on the move.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Graig Aid Festival Philosophy...

Also I blame this instrument holding system for the failure of my bass guitar at said festival 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Jamie has already divulged a newfound commitment to 'professionalism' from the band. I should perhaps clarify the inspiration for this conviction. It happened in a rusting Volkswagen Golf from the 1970s that has mold on the sun visors. The time was about one in the morning. The location was in the middle of a field at the Graig Aid festival in Ruthin. We had brought tents, but mine was inhabitable due to the flood of beer, vodka, pringles and candle wax that had been the previous nights entertainment. I think some songs from the album My Sweetheart the Drunk were playing softly on the car CD system. In this darkness we decided we should probably have a few more practices.

Just a thought.


Monday, 18 June 2012

Hey, hey. Hopefully this has worked. I've started the facebk page for Aurelia and made everyone in the band Admin.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Gathering the Old Gang

We have been flirting with music recently, now are going to fully regroup on a regular basis and actually play like a real band does. Shortly, you will be treated to posts and random musings of the other members of the band too. 

Much love x

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Inaugural practice of the 2012


Rather busy here at Aurelia HQ, little blips happening here and there, but that's how we like it. Webcast on Saturday with 3/4's of the band, hope you can tune in.

Saturday, 21 April 2012


The details of the Webcast have been announced. It will take place at 7pm on 12th May 2012 and be streamed over the internet using a service of our choice. Be sure to have your software fully updated. Performing alongside myself will be Adam Scott and Daine.

I will be accompanied by Davey, and we shall be playing "Flowers at the Roadside Ep" in full, followed by a few select songs.

 A link to the stream will be posted on THIS blog AND at its Facebook events page during the evening of 12th May.

Facebook event page;http://www.facebook.com/events/213953858715164/

 Video of a "dancing" Hamster;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roXjPLXOP9A

GawdByeeee. x

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Monday, 19 March 2012

First Picture of many....

This is the set up I have at the moment, it is fully equipped with gadgets, gizmo's and funny little things to play with. Fun-Fun.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

camera == action

Got a multimedia PC all up and running now so soon you'll be bombarded with pictures, videos and music to the highest calibre possible. Just have to wait from my RAM upgrade to come in the post. This calls for a sit and wait approach, and the postman ALWAYS loses.

Much love

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Hello there inter-web type people, just doing a whistle-stop post to inform you that I will be playing the usual Thursday night open mic. night at the Red Lion.

The Set tonight WILL include my homage to Sir Roger Moore, easy tiger grrrrrr

Saturday, 28 January 2012

And they're off . . .

Started to record a song today with my little brother, it's going alright need to film a video for it tomorrow. It is definitely one of the most obscure songs I've ever done.

Other news; Spring is coming, which means I'll FINALLY be able to get the picture I want and post the EP I recorded last April. It's called "Flowers at the roadside" just need the Daffodil's to bloom now.

Track listing:

1. The Turn
2. Lost
3. Dive
3. Delicious
5. Fishbowl
6. Long Distance

And lastly, Here's a nice picture while we wait.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Untitled test song number one played live.

Hello! I played a rather intimate gig this last weekend as part of Chester house concerts (Linky). below is a video of this first song played and HERE is a link to my page.

Great night, be sure to leave comments, i'm intrigued to see the feedback.

much love x

Monday, 9 January 2012

Untitled test song number one

Not EQ'd properly, very basic editing. I'm still looking for some decent software to record with. But there is a Harmonica in there.

Untitled test song number one by aureliamusic

Monday, 2 January 2012


Bought a few bits and pieces to start recording again in the 2nd month. Got the music complete, and most lyrics being wrote and re-wrote and re-written in a hideous cycle. Hopefully will be ready in time. Then the difficult pictures/drawings or as it's labelled by some bands "artwork".

Any helpers?

Have a good year people.