Wednesday, 27 April 2011

For tomorrow,

Today's session will consist of the "heavier" songs at my disposal, much to the grievance of the neighbours, sorry.

So when I get my wits about me, expect noise. 

Key words: Angry and Alone.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Who says the 26th April is a bad day?

Been an eventful day, lots of faffing about in the morning but we managed to make a bodge job of it, Started with skelingtons of songs and have only been using the (bad) microphone, really gives the feeling of class which only the 60's could offer, or it just really sounds crappy, well that'll be for you to decide.

Our sound engineer for the day.
Tuning up
 Right then, time to go out and have a little tipple to celebrate, it's been a very good day . . . sort of.

Major balls-up

Started recording this morning, was going rather well everything in correct working order but due to my clumsy incompetence I think I may have destroyed the hardware already. I do have a habit of blowing up recording equipment, Im going to dig around the interweb for a while and see if there is anything I can do but it doesn't look hopeful, might have to record as a set of live recordings after all.


Monday, 25 April 2011

"A bad worker blames his tools"

After installing, rebooting and rehashing Cubase just wouldn't work, luckily I got my best man on the case (me hehe) and it's all sorted now. recording will start this evening with one (tentatively) titled "Dive in the River".

While waiting for the many reboots it gave me time to alter some songs and edit stuff, and so a shaggy old song has now been given a new lease of life, expect it to make an appearance at some point.

Here are some picture of lyrics sheet and my amazing organisational skills.

The Room.

Checking the equipment

. . . now it's on.

Hello there, I have haven't been active for over 3 year's so now I have the time and space i'm going to be recording some new songs. Hope they come out good.

 For those who haven't heard previous music it is under a different guise and it can be found here:

Sooooo, today, been checking equipment, prepping instruments and setting up (what will be) my "studio" for the week

Pictures to follow

PS Sorry about the layout atm, this is just a quick default template and will get round to changing that later.